In addition to the foregoing requirements, all development within an Integrated Shopping Facility District shall be subject to the following regulations:
   (a)   Solid Waste Collection. Trash compactors, dumpsters or other similar use facilities for the storage of trash removed from any building shall be contained within the loading area or any other area sufficiently screened from visual contact.
   (b)   Access Driveways to Parking Areas and Internal Streets.  
      (1)   Access driveways to parking areas shall be in accordance with Section 1221.11.
      (2)   Internal streets shall be constructed with curbs to define the limits of the roadway. (Ord. 1982-27. Passed 12-16-82.)
   (c)   Exterior Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be in accordance with Section 1230.03.
      (Ord. 2017-110. Passed 12-21-17.)
   (d)   Height of Buildings.
      (1)   The building shall not have more than two stories above natural grade level elevation as defined in Section 1203.09(b), and the maximum height of the building shall not exceed thirty-eight feet above natural grade level elevation, as defined above, exclusive of cornices, decorative material, mechanical devices and towers.
      (2)   All mechanical devices shall be screened.
   (e)   Sign Requirements.
      (1)   All signs must comply with Chapter 1223, except as specifically modified in this chapter.
      (2)   No pole signs are permitted.
      (3)   One sign is permitted as the entrance to the district.
      (4)   Only the anchor tenants may have signs attached to the face of the building.
         (Ord. 1982-27. Passed 12-16-82.)