In Planned Office Districts the following design standards shall be applied to all developments:
   (a)   Sign regulations shall be as regulated in Chapter 1223 for Business Districts except that no pole signs shall be permitted.
   (b)   All wall or fascia signs of buildings on the same lot shall be uniform in size, design and color. Development plans for all multi-tenant buildings shall include signage design standards and criteria to regulate signage in addition to the requirements of Chapter 1223.
   (c)   All driveways and parking lots shall be curbed with barrier-type curbing extending six inches above the parking surface.
   (d)   All facades of buildings shall be faced with a finished building material such as brick, stone, glass or metal panels as approved by the Planning Commission.
   (e)   Developments with multiple buildings or those constructed in phases shall be similar and harmonious in design and exterior materials.
      (Ord. 1988-233. Passed 1-19-89.)