Subdivisions shall be planned to take advantage of the topography of the land to economize in the construction of drainage facilities, to reduce the amount of grading and to minimize destruction of trees and topsoil. The natural features and other distinctive characteristics of the site shall be integrated into the plan. Topographic maps shall be utilized in the land planning.
   (a)   Streets. Land which is relatively flat or of very gentle slopes shall be planned so that the streets follow the natural drainage courses, and as many lots as possible shall be above the street grade. On irregular topography, streets shall be designed to avoid extensive cuts and fills and so that lots on one side of the street will not be excessively above or below the street grade.
   (b)   Natural Drainage. Subdivisions shall be designed to take advantage of natural grades so that all the land can be drained without excessive grading. Unless watercourses or drainage ways are enclosed, lots shall be arranged so that rear lot lines will be approximately parallel to the natural or straightened course, and only where such a plan is not possible may side lot lines be arranged parallel to an open drainage course. Drainage easements may be included as part of a lot but shall not be used as a building site or included in calculating the required lot area or widths. The area of storm sewer easements shall not be deducted from the lot area or width requirements. The Director of Engineering may however, require that the storm sewer easement be deducted when the depth or size of the storm sewer is of such extent that it requires greater clearance between structures for maintenance purposes. The area of swale easements shall not be deducted from lot area or width requirements.
   (c)   Natural Features. Natural features, changes in level, brooks, lakes, hilltops and other focal points within the site, and distant view outside the subdivision, shall be integrated in the design to obtain natural variations and interest in each neighborhood and to create attractive building sites.
      (Ord. 1987-40. Passed 3-19-87.)