Council shall inform the Director of Inspections in writing when the following conditions have been met:
   (a)   Final development plans have been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, the Director of Engineering, the Police Chief and Council;
   (b)   Satisfactory performance guarantees are received by the City; and
   (c)   The sanitary sewerage system has been approved by the Planning Commission, the Director of Engineering and all other public agencies regulating the same.
   One set of prints of the approved final development plans shall be forwarded to the Department of Buildings, Structures and Inspections. Building permits for buildings and uses permitted in a Shopping Center District shall be issued, provided such buildings and uses conform to the final development plans as approved, and provided the proposed construction of buildings and uses complies with the Building Code of the City and with all other regulating bodies.
(Ord. 1966-82. Passed 9-1-66.)