(a)   No person shall clean, repair, extend, deepen or enlarge any existing gas or oil well without first obtaining a permit from the Director of Inspections. Application for such permit shall be made to the Director upon such forms as he may prescribe, and such application shall be accompanied by a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). A separate application shall be filed for each well to be cleaned, repaired, extended, deepened or enlarged..
   (b)   No person shall use, erect or construct any drilling rig within 300 feet of any building, for the purpose of cleaning, repairing, extending or deepening any existing gas or oil well, without obtaining written permission from the owner of such building.
   (c)   No person shall extend, deepen or enlarge any existing gas or oil well within 300 feet of the nearest point of a dedicated portion of any street, highway or railroad right of way.
   (d)   A permit is not required in order to swab, bail or remove debris from any existing gas or oil well.
(Ord. 1973-56. Passed 6-21-73.)