(a)   No person, firm or corporation shall without lawful authority store, place or allow to remain automobile parts, motor vehicles in an operative condition or motor vehicles unfit for use as motor vehicles whether such condition is temporary or permanent and whether on private or public property unless kept with a building. The above shall also apply to semitrailers, trucks, boats, motorcycles or any other vehicle however defined whenever such vehicles are in an inoperative or unsafe condition.
   (b)   Firms or corporations engaged in the motor vehicle or semitrailer repair business are permitted to let motor vehicles and semitrailers remain outside of a building for a period not to exceed seven days, and further the number of such vehicles allowed to remain outside of a building shall not exceed seven vehicles. After the seventh day, the motor vehicles and/or semitrailers shall be placed within a building or in an operative and/or safe condition.
(Ord. 1986-152. Passed 10-2-86.)