(A)   A completed wireless communication tower permit application with all supporting documentation identified in § 154.59 shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for permit review.
   (B)   The application shall include a site plan containing the following information:
      (1)   Title block containing the name of the tower owner and/or property owner, scale, North arrow, latitude/longitude coordinates, and surveyed ground elevation;
      (2)   Exact boundary lines of the property containing the proposed tower construction, any associated guy wires, and tower height. (Boundary line corners to be clearly marked on site to allow for a visual inspection by the Zoning Administrator);
      (3)   Tower design plan prepared by a state Registered Professional Engineer, including the engineer's signature, seal, and address;
      (4)   The foundation and base of the tower, the foundation for all guy line anchors and support structures, all proposed buildings, and any other proposed improvements, including access roads and utility connections within and to the proposed site;
      (5)   Description of adjacent land use and all property owner names, deed book and page number, and tax parcel number;
      (6)   An elevation profile, drawn to scale, of all existing and proposed towers with any proposed lighting and antennas to be located on the property;
      (7)   Zoning designation of the site and adjoining property; and
      (8)   Vicinity map.
(Ord. passed 11-6-2003)