The following criteria shall be used in determining the need for sidewalk repair:
(a) Any block having multiple cracks or any single crack larger than five-eighths inch wide.
(b) Adjoining sections of the block, or portion thereof whose edges differ vertically by three-fourths inch or more commonly called “stub toes”.
(c) Blocks having a transverse slope in excess of one inch per vertical foot toward the street.
(d) Blocks having depressions, reverse cross slope (sloping away from the street) or below curb grade so as to impound mud or water.
(e) Blocks having cupping of six square feet or more in area, with a minimum one-half inch depth at midpoint of cupping, which creates an irregular walking surface. Depressed areas one inch or more in depth, and a minimum of nine square inches in area.
(f) Blocks having disintegrated or deteriorated areas (spalled concrete).
(g) Block pushed up due to tree roots or other reasons that cause an abrupt change of one inch or more in the longitudinal grade of the sidewalk.
(h) Blocks that have holes in them five-eighths inch in diameter or are cracked and broken so that pieces are missing or loose.
(i) Walks that have areas of grass or weeds growing through them in areas the same dimensions as subsection (a) hereof.
(j) Encroachments such as water stop boxes, gas stop boxes, etc., that are not to proper grade. Stumps, stones, private signposts or any other unauthorized obstruction in the sidewalk space.
(Ord. 96037. Passed 7-15-96.)