The Mayor, or one appointed by the Mayor, shall preside as temporary chairman only until the President of Council is elected.
   Council shall meet at such times as may be prescribed by its own rules, regulations, bylaws, or by resolution or ordinance, except that it shall hold regular meetings at least twice during each calendar month.
   All regular and special meetings of Council shall be held at the Council Chambers, unless the members of Council decide that a particular regular or special meeting may occasion a large public attendance which the Council Chambers would be unable to accommodate. In that case, Council may direct said meeting to be held in some other public or private place with larger accommodations and shall direct that notice of the change of the meeting place be given at least one week before such Council meeting is scheduled by posting on the Municipality's website and at least two (2) other places such as publicly-available social media (such as Facebook), the Municipality's physical and/or electronic information boards, and the front door of the Division of Water.
   Members of Council, whether elected or appointed, will receive remuneration for any Council meetings missed, up to 4 (four) meetings during a calendar year.
(Amended 11-2-21.)