Vacancies in Council shall be filled for the unexpired term by an appointment made by a majority vote of all remaining members of Council. Such appointment shall be made within thirty (30) days after the next regular meeting following receipt of official notification of such vacancy. If Council fails to fill the vacancy within said thirty (30) day period, the Mayor shall make the appointment. Persons appointed to fill vacancies must meet the qualification requirements of Section 4.03.
   An appointed member of Council shall serve in such Council position until the next available general election when that position will be placed on the ballot for a specific Ward or At Larger as was applicable to such position at the last election. The appointed Council member will serve in that position until elected to such position or replaced by a successor by popular vote. An elected successor shall begin their full or partial term on the start date for Council terms specified by Section 4.02. If the appointed Council member is unchallenged by a qualified candidate at the next available general election, such appointed Council member shall remain in such position for the balance of the unexpired term. The procedures set forth in this paragraph shall not apply to an appointed Council member serving as a temporary replacement pursuant to Section 4.06 for a Council member who is absent due to active military service or a serious health condition. (Amended 11-8-11; 11-2-21.)