1143.22 WOODLANDS.
   (a)   Purpose. The Village of West Jefferson recognizes the value of woodlands to the community in providing a rich and varied environment, watershed cover, soil protection, noise buffers, wildlife habitat, pollution purification, and a continuous supply of pure oxygen. Poorly planned development can lead to increased erosion and siltation, deterioration of water quality, loss of landscape diversity, increased danger of flooding, and reduced recreational opportunities. This section of the Zoning Ordinance is intended to preserve and protect the character and purpose of woodland areas.
   (b)   Definition. For the purpose of this chapter, a woodland is defined as an area or stand of trees the majority of which are greater than twelve (12) inches caliper measured four (4) feet above grade and covering an area greater than one-quarter (1/4) acre; or groves of mature trees without regard to minimum area consisting of more than ten (10) individual specimens.
   (c)   Permitted Uses. Land and buildings within woodlands shall be used only for the
following purposes:
      (1)   Single-family detached dwellings limited to minimum one (1) acre lots and the designation of permanent no-build zones amounting to sixty (60) percent of each lot.
      (2)   Accessory buildings and uses in association with a permitted dwelling.
      (3)   Public parks, open space and nature areas.
      (4)   Agricultural pursuits that do not reduce the tree cover, such as maple sap tapping.
   (d)   Development Standards. The following are minimum development standards,
except where noted, and shall apply within woodlands in addition to the applicable development standards of the underlying zoning districts.
      (1)   Maximum lot coverage for all structures and accessory buildings and uses shall be twenty (20) percent.
      (2)   On-site waste water treatment and disposal and ground water generation shall not be permitted.
      (3)   Soil types shall be appropriate and suitable for residential development.
      (4)   Fire-retardant materials shall be used for exterior building treatment, including roofing which shall meet Class C requirements of the Ohio Building Code as amended.
      (5)   Landscape materials shall be native to Central Ohio.
      (6)   Applicable standards shall be met in corresponding sections of this Ordinance.
   (e)   Landscaping Plan. The landscape plan, submittal requirements and all other requirements and standards of this section shall apply to all structures and uses proposed within a woodland. The landscaping plan shall contain a natural resources inventory showing type, size and location of all existing vegetation with a minimum caliper of six (6) inches, and soil and topographical information. In reviewing said landscaping plan, the Planning and Zoning Commission may call upon professional services from either the public or private sectors to assist in such evaluation.
   (f)   Variance. The Planning and Zoning Commission may consider a request for a variance of the strict application of the requirement of this section, however, in doing so, the Planning and Zoning Commission may only consider variances for non-residential zoning districts and, in granting a variance, shall require on-site comparable replacement of all removed trees as per Section 1143.23.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)