(a)   Council hereby establishes the following fee schedule for copying Village records and documents:
   (Copies up to Standard 8-1/2" x 11" documents on standard size paper.)
(1)   Copy of first page of document/record
   (one side only)
(2)   Price for each additional page (one side
(3)   Additional copies of same document, per
   page (only side only)
         Note: Double-sided documents will be
         treated as two pages.
      (4)   Copies of documents from computer printouts
         will be available at the same price as items
         (1)-(3) above and item (5) below.
         (Copies of Larger Size Documents not Reduced to Standard Size Paper.)
(5)   Copies of documents on legal size paper
   (each side)
(6)   Copies on larger than legal size paper
   (each side)
   (b)   Council further authorizes that a deposit equal to total cost be collected in advance, authorizes the waiver of fees for requests from municipalities and for Village business and refers all requests for other than paper copies to the Director of Law as to the validity of the request and pricing. (Ord. 95109. Passed 10-16-95.)
   (c)   Requests for each different document/record shall be considered as a new request and at the rate established in subsections (a) and (b) hereof.
   (d)   Copies of permits and other documents requiring a fee established by ordinance, shall be furnished at no cost. Individuals requesting additional copies at the time such permit or document is issued may have additional copies at the additional copy rate, per page, (one side only) established in subsection (a)(3) hereof. Requests made at a later date will be considered a new request and charged at rates under subsection (a)(1) to (3) hereof.
   (e)   Fees may be waived for requests from governmental agencies for official business use and for Village officials and department heads for use in conducting the business of the Village.
   (f)   Requests for confidential information regarding personnel records and other information exempted by the Freedom of Information Act and other laws and ordinances, shall be denied, unless accompanied by a court order and then will be released only to the proper and authorized agencies. (Ord. 92137. Passed 11-2-92.)