(a)   Temporary signs advertising any educational, charitable, civic, religious or like campaign or event may be erected or displayed for a consecutive period not to exceed thirty (30) days in any calendar year. Notwithstanding the above, political signs may be displayed without requiring a permit for a period of up to thirty (30) consecutive days prior to an election. Said signs shall be removed within three (3) days following the campaign or event.
   (b)   Political Signs. A political sign is one that is designed or intended to influence the action of voters for the election or defeat of candidate(s) or issue(s) at national, state, county or local election. Such signs must be removed within three(3) days following the election. Political signs are permitted whether or not they comply with other sections of the sign regulations.
   (c)   If such temporary signs are not removed within the three-day period, the Code Enforcement Officer is authorized to remove said signs and to charge all costs incident to the removal of the sign or signs to the organization responsible for the placement of the signs.
   (d)   No temporary sign shall be attached to fences, trees, utility poles, bridges or traffic signs and shall not obstruct or impair vision or traffic in any manner or create a hazard of disturbance to the health and welfare of the general public.
   (e)   No temporary sign shall exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)