1137.05 REAR YARDS.
   (a)   Where a lot abuts upon an alley, one-half (½) of the alley width may be considered as part of the required rear yard.
   (b)   An accessory building, not exceeding twenty (20) feet in height may occupy not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of total lot coverage. Unenclosed parking spaces may occupy not to exceed ninety percent (90%) of the area of a required rear yard; but no accessory building shall be closer than ten (10) feet to the main building nor closer than five (5) feet to any lot line.
   (c)   The ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices and ornamental features may extend a distance not to exceed eighteen (18) inches into a required yard.
   (d)   Open or lattice enclosed fire escapes, outside stairways and balconies opening upon fire towers, and the ordinary projections of chimneys and flues into a rear yard may be permitted by the Zoning and Code Enforcement Inspector for a distance not to exceed five (5) feet when these are so placed as not to obstruct light and ventilation.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)