1124.03 USES.
   (a)   Permitted Uses. Within the Research-Industrial District (RID), the following uses as permitted and described herein, and in the PCD, M-1 and M-2 Districts under this Zoning Ordinance, may be developed subject to the development standards contained herein (a user may combine or mix uses to establish or modify a land use pattern):
      (1)   Offices. All office uses permitted in the PCD, M-1 and M-2 Districts, including, but not limited to, administrative, general business, medical, professional or offices used in connection with any other use permitted in the RID District.
      (2)   Research and development. Activities in which extant or proposed concepts, systems, programs, living beings and/or tangible goods or materials are subjected to observation and study, and to the actual or possible input of science, technology, testing and/or other applications of outside forces, materials or influences, or of concepts or ideas, for the purpose of attaining knowledge, testing and reporting results, and/or creating new, modified or different hypotheses or products. Permitted research and development activities include, but are not limited to, laboratory activities (applied and basic), field testing, and research for production.
      (3)   Manufacturing. The process of creating or assembling items or goods from raw materials, pre-manufactured parts or components, or a combination thereof, including but not limited to the following subcategories of manufacturing processes:
         A.   Product development or production in which the input of science, technology, research and other forms of concepts or ideas constitute an element of value added by manufacture;
         B.   Research, synthesis, analysis, development and testing, including the fabrication, assembly, mixing and preparation of equipment and components;
         C.   Research, design, engineering, testing, diagnostics and pilot or experimental product development, whether the results of the same are the creation of goods or are merely a step in the creation of goods; or
         D.   Manufacturing industries (including but not limited to the manufacture, compounding, processing, assembling, packaging or treatment of goods, materials and products).
      (4)   Uses consisting of research, design, engineering, testing, diagnostics and pilot or experimental product development not involving manufacturing processes.
      (5)   Wholesale business when all products are stored within the building.
      (6)   Life science technology and medical laboratories, including, but not limited to, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, genomics, proteomics, molecular and chemical ecology.
      (7)   Warehouse or storage activities.
      (8)   Service or repair activities.
   (b)   Permitted Accessory Uses. The following uses shall be permitted within the RID District when accessory to a principal permitted use and when operated for the benefit of persons engaged in the principal permitted uses on site, including but not limited to researchers, other employees, and invitees, but excluding use by the general public:
      (1)   Child day care center subject to the requirements of Ohio R.C. Chapter 5104;
      (2)   Dwelling(s) for transient workers rendering services in connection with a principal permitted use within the RID District, together with usual accessory uses, and provided that the maximum period of habitation in a dwelling permitted by this subsection by any person shall be one (1) year;
      (3)   Hotel or motel for occupancy by nonresident personnel engaged in temporarily rendering services in connection with a principal permitted use within the RID District, together with accessory uses including, but not limited to, a barbershop, beauty parlor, newsstand, restaurant, bar or cocktail lounge;
      (4)   Recreation and recreational facilities; or
      (5)   Operation and maintenance of private and public utility facilities and equipment.
   (c)   Conditional Uses.
      (1)   Since every type of potential use in the RID District cannot be anticipated, this subsection provides a process for addressing uses not specifically listed as a Permitted Use, or as a Permitted Accessory Use.
      (2)   In those situations in which a use is not specifically permitted in subsections (a) or (b) above, but in which such use can reasonably be interpreted as similar in character to a use listed in these regulations, the Planning and Zoning Commission may determine that the use is permitted in the RID District.
      (3)   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall base the decision on a finding that the proposed use satisfies all of the following:
         A.   The proposed use is generally consistent with the purpose of the RID District and with the development intent for the RID District.
         B.   The proposed use will not impair the present or potential use of other properties within the RID District in the vicinity.
         C.   The operation, scale, and characteristics of the proposed use are no greater than those listed in the RID District, in terms of aesthetics, traffic generated, noise, potential nuisances, and other impacts related to community health, safety and welfare.
      (4)   Once a finding of similar use is made, such use shall be subject to all provisions and district regulations in the Zoning Ordinance that apply to Permitted Uses in the RID District.
      (5)   The Planning and Zoning Commission’s determination shall be in writing and sent to the applicant. The applicant may either appeal the decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission or submit an application for an amendment to the Village Council.
         (Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)