Design approval may include such other conditions consistent with the considerations of this subhapter as the Commission or Planning Director deem reasonable and necessary under the circumstances to carry out the intent of this subchapter.
   (A)   Building materials. New buildings shall be designed and constructed to meet the following criteria.
      (1)   Building exteriors shall be designed and constructed with primary and secondary building materials from the list of building materials in division (C) below.
      (2)   The front elevation, as well as any other elevation which faces the street shall be constructed of a minimum of 60% primary materials, with a maximum of 40% secondary materials.
      (3)   Windows and doors shall be excluded from the calculation of exterior building material requirements. Non-functioning, decorative only windows may be included in the calculation of building materials.
      (4)   A maximum of six colors for the primary materials may be permitted.
      (5)   Secondary materials shall be of a complementary hue and shade to primary building materials. A maximum of four accent colors may be allowed for secondary materials.
      (6)   A minimum of 15% of the front elevation, as well as any side or rear elevation which faces the street or major corridor, shall consist of upgraded architectural features as defined in division (C) below. See division (B) below for those streets which constitute major corridors.
      (7)   Non-primary elevations which do not face the street or major corridor shall consist of at least 5% upgraded architectural features as defined in division (C) below. See division (B) below for those streets which constitute major corridors
   (B)   Major corridor requirements. Projects which are adjacent to, or located within 400 feet of the centerline of 2100 South/Wilson Lane, 1800 South, 1900 West, Midland Drive, 3500 West, 4000 South, Hinckley Drive and 2550 South shall be subject to the following additional requirements. Any building face which can be seen from the above-referenced roads shall be constructed of a minimum of 60% primary materials.
   (C)   Materials list and architectural features.
      (1)   Primary materials. Shall include, but are not limited to:
         (a)   Architectural insulated metal panels;
         (b)   Brick;
         (c)   Concrete masonry unit (CMU), if it is textured to have the appearance of a different material;
         (d)   Glass;
         (e)   Rock;
         (f)   Stone (may be natural or manufactured);
         (g)   Fiber cement siding, if used in a craftsman style of architecture; and
         (h)   Engineered wood siding, if used in a craftsman style of architecture.
      (2)   Secondary materials. May include, but shall not be limited to:
         (a)   Concrete;
         (b)   Non-insulated corrugated and ribbed metal;
         (c)   Fiber cement siding, if used in a non-craftsman architectural style;
         (d)   Engineered wood siding, if used in a non-craftsman architectural style;
         (e)   Stucco;
         (f)   Tile; and
         (g)   Wood.
      (3)   Upgraded architectural features. May include, but shall not be limited to:
         (a)   Alternating brick patterns;
         (b)   Archways;
         (c)   Awnings;
         (d)   Bays;
         (e)   Canopies;
         (f)   Corbels;
         (g)   Cornices;
         (h)   Decorative art (must be permanent);
         (i)   Donners;
         (j)   Pillars;
         (k)   Porte Cocheres;
         (l)   Porches;
         (m)   Porticos;
         (n)   Shutters; and
         (o)   Timbers.
      (4)   Minimum. Developers shall have a minimum of three different building materials, not including those which are considered upgraded architectural features.
      (5)   Alternative materials. Upon recommendation of the Planning Commission, the City Council may approve alternative materials if the Council makes specific findings that the requested material is comparable to or superior to a listed, approved material for the specific development or remodeling project proposed.
   (D)   Warranty. All exterior materials shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner and be guaranteed to be maintenance-free for at least ten years. Finishes upon exterior materials shall be guaranteed maintenance-free for a minimum of five years. Materials or finishes without such guarantees shall not be permitted. Guarantees shall be in writing from the manufacturer and a fully executed copy shall be provided to the city.
(Ord. 2-92, passed - -1992; Ord. 19-2015, passed 10-21-2015; Ord. 06-2022, passed 3-16-2022)