Conditions for approval shall be determined by the Planning Commission or City Council as otherwise provided in §§ 157.515 through 157.529:
   (A)   Church (temporary churches held in open areas, tents, or in temporary structures excluded);
   (B)   Day care centers and preschools, within residence only, and on minimum one-half acre lot;
   (C)   Excavations of over 200 cubic yards, as allowed by §§ 152.50 through 152.57 and 152.99;
   (D)   Golf courses, public or privately owned, whether or not operated as a business;
   (E)   Group homes;
   (F)   Planned dwelling groups;
   (G)   Planned unit developments (PUDs);
   (H)   Public buildings, and private and public utility buildings and uses;
   (I)   Public parks and/or playgrounds; also, privately-owned playgrounds and recreational grounds or parks not operated as a business, in whole or in part, to which no admission charge is made; and
   (J)   Schools, public or privately owned.
(Prior Code, § 10.10.030) (Ord. 2-92, passed - -1992; Ord. 03-2015, passed 1-7-2015)