§ 157.047 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
   APPEAL AUTHORITY. The person, appointed by the Mayor, subject to advice and consent, to decide an appeal of a decision of a land use application, land development, or city regulatory code or a variance.
      (1)   The individual duly appointed as the Appeal Authority.
      (2)   The terms HEARING OFFICER and APPEAL AUTHORITY are synonymous as the text may require as used throughout this chapter.
   LAND USE APPLICATION. An application required by a municipality’s land use chapter.
   LAND USE AUTHORITY. A person, appeal authority, commission, agency, or other body designated by the legislative body to act upon a land use application. (May be the HEARING OFFICER or APPEAL AUTHORITY as the text may require as used throughout this chapter. The city may also establish more than one LAND USE AUTHORITY.)
   LAND USE ORDINANCE. A planning, zoning, development, or subdivision ordinance of the municipality, but does not include the general plan.
   THIS CHAPTER. The actual language constituting this chapter and any other part of any other city ordinance related to a decision of a land use application, land development, or city regulatory ordinance, code, or a variance, also, but not limited to, the following areas:
      (1)   Business and license regulations, and public health and safety;
      (2)   Public ways and property building regulations, and zoning regulations; and
      (3)   Planned residential unit development.
(Prior Code, § 06.13) (Ord. 2-92, passed - -1992; Ord. 02-2015, passed 1-7-2015)