(a) Heating Periods. Consideration should be given to both over and under heated periods of the year when determining building locations. Desirable slope exposure is south, southeast.
(b) Winter and Summer Sun. To maximize the effect of solar radiation in winter months and maximize shade in the summer months:
(1) Deciduous trees should be used for summer shade and winter warmth;
(2) Active living spaces should be oriented to the south for winter warmth; and
(3) Building overhangs should be designed to shield the high summer sun and expose the area to the lower winter sun.
(c) Winter and Summer Wind. To reduce the impact of winter winds but maximize summer breezes:
(1) Steeply pitched roofs should be used on the windward side to deflect wind and reduce the roof area effected by the winds;
(2) Blank walls, garages or storage uses should be used on north exposures;
(3) North entrances should be protected with earth mounds, evergreens, and walls and fences; and
(4) Natural ventilation with prevailing summer breezes should be allowed for whenever possible.
(Ord. 2013-01. Passed 2-5-13.)