(a) Scale. All signs, including wall, free-standing and window display, should be an integral part of the overall building and site design, not as an afterthought. All signs shall be of a complimentary scale and proportion in design and in visual relationship to the site and its structures. Signs within a development should be compatible with each other, and signs should not compete for attention with signs on adjoining premises.
(b) Harmonious. The colors, materials and lighting of every sign should be restrained, and harmonious with the building site to which it relates. Signs should define or enhance architectural elements of the building, not obscure or destroy them.
(c) Graphic Elements. The number of graphic elements on each sign should be held to the minimum level needed to convey the sign's major message. The graphic elements should reflect simplicity, neatness and minimum wording to avoid visual clutter and to improve legibility. Signs should identify the name and type of establishment and not advertise products or brand names.
(d) Coordination. Signage on each building should be coordinated and consolidated.
(e) All signs shall also comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 1280.
(Ord. 2013-01. Passed 2-5-13.)