(a)   Privacy. As development intensities increase, greater opportunities for privacy should be provided by utilizing fences or walls to enclose internal views. Consideration shall be given in building design and location to the privacy of occupants of adjacent buildings.
   (b)   Site Amenity. The primary living area of a dwelling or the primary activity area of a building should be oriented toward a natural site amenity where possible.
   (c)   Building Placement. Buildings should be placed in an orderly, non-random fashion. Excessively long, unbroken building façades should be avoided.
   (d)   Context. New development and infill development should be viewed in the context of a cluster, block, neighborhood, or the entire community. Developments should be designed to be architecturally compatible with nearby structures or to screen incompatible elements of nearby development.
   (e)   Compatible. Within the requirements of the applicable Zoning District, the height, scale and setback of each building should be compatible with existing or proposed adjoining buildings. Architectural style should not necessarily duplicate adjoining structures, but should be compatible in overall form, texture, color and rhythm. Compatibility can be enhanced by the use of building materials and roof lines comparable to nearby development.
   (f)   Consistency. Consistency in architectural style should be provided within a development or a fill-in area.
   (g)   Style. The architectural style should be carried out in as authentic manner as possible.
   (h)   Variety. Variety can be provided within a particular architectural style by subtly varying building form, setbacks, colors and materials.
   (i)   Off-Site Impacts. Building and landscape design should be used to reduce adverse off-site visual impacts resulting from mechanical or service areas.
   (j)   Bulk. The apparent bulk of a building may be lessened with the use of façade articulation and pitched roofs.
   (k)   Service Areas. Service and storage areas, dumpsters, mechanical equipment and other utility features shall be screened from view from the street and neighboring properties using materials harmonious with the building.
(Ord. 2013-01. Passed 2-5-13.)