Once a complete application for Site Plan Review has been filed, the Zoning Inspector shall:
   (a)   Circulate copies of the site plan to those officials and technicians that would have information and knowledge pertinent to the project such as the Planning Commission, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Village Engineer, Village Sanitary Engineer, and such other individuals as necessary for review and comment. After all of the comments are received, the Zoning Inspector shall arrange for a meeting with the applicant if there are any negative comments to discuss. Any necessary revisions should be made prior to the Planning Commission meeting.
   (b)   The Zoning Inspector shall notify the identified property owners, applicant and other interested parties by mail, no less than 15 working days prior to the Planning Commission meeting, or Board of Zoning Appeals meeting (if an applicant is contesting a decision of the Planning Commission), at which the subject site plan will be considered. The notice shall indicate an interested party may review a case file during normal business hours.
(Ord. 2013-01. Passed 2-5-13; Ord. 2019-04. Passed 4-2-19.)