When the Zoning Inspector has determined that a proposed project requires Site Plan Review, an application shall be sent or given to the developer or agent. The application for Site Plan Review shall include the following items:
(a) Completed application form;
(b) Architectural Plans. Two copies showing exterior elevations and floor plans. If exterior elevations are not available, reasonable graphic representations may be submitted; and
(c) Site Plan. Eight copies, showing the following items and drawn at a scale of either 100 feet or 50 feet to the inch:
(1) General vicinity map;
(2) Property boundary lines and setback lines;
(3) Elevation contours (existing and proposed);
(4) Traffic and circulation plan;
(5) Adjacent streets;
(6) Parking and loading plan;
(7) Landscaping plan;
(8) Grading and erosion control, surface drainage plan;
(9) Proposed signage;
(10) Footprints of existing and proposed principal and/or accessory structures or buildings;
(11) Utilities plan; and
(12) All easements and rights-of-way affecting the site.
All site plan drawings shall be clearly drawn and prepared by a professional engineer, architect or surveyor, as applicable and shall bear their professional seal on the plans.
(d) The application shall be accompanied by a fee as specified by the Village's Schedule of Fees (Exhibit V, Fee Schedule). Applications without fees will not be processed.
(e) A list of the name and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the property lines of the subject property, as they appear on the County Auditor's current tax list or Treasurer's mailing list.
(f) Copies of current tax map pages for the subject and above properties.
(g) Project cost estimates.
(Ord. 2013-01. Passed 2-5-13; Ord. 2019-04. Passed 4-2-19.)