(a)   All applications for zoning permits shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector. All applications must be completed in full and must be accompanied by the payment of the appropriate fee as identified in Section 1260.17 (Exhibit V, Fee Schedule). In addition, if a zoning permit is being sought for construction purposes, the applicant shall also submit two copies of the construction plans including two plot plans that are drawn to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, which identifies the construction to take place, the location of the proposed structure/building as well as any existing structure/building and appurtenances, all lot dimensions and setback distances, as well as the relative location of any and all nearby public or private streets. All dimensions on these plans relating to the location and size of the lot to be built upon, and of any structures already on the lot, shall be based on an actual survey if the zoning permit sought is for a principal structure and when deemed necessary by the Zoning Inspector, if for an accessory structure/building.
   (b)   The lot and location of the proposed structure/building thereon shall be staked out on the ground before excavation or construction is started. Applications for zoning permits regarding signs shall be accompanied by data as required in Chapter 1280.
(Ord. 2013-01. Passed 2-5-13; Ord. 2019-04. Passed 4-2-19.)