The Code Enforcement Officer or designee shall cause a written notice of violation to be served upon any of the owners, lessees, tenants or other persons or entities having charge or care of land in the City, notifying them that grass of excessive length or noxious weeds are growing on land in their care and ordering that such grass or noxious weeds be cut within five (5) days after the service of the notice of violation. Only one written notice of violation per calendar year is required to be served by the Code Enforcement Officer or designee in order to abate a grass or noxious weed offense as provided in Section 539.04(a). If, after one notice of violation has been served, the Code Enforcement Officer or designee determines that one or more subsequent violations have occurred on the subject lot or parcel of land during the calendar year, the City may proceed to immediately abate such violations as provided in Section 539.04(a). A notice of violation for each offense is required to be served by the Code Enforcement Officer or designee prior to filing criminal charges under Section 539.04(b). Written notice may be served by any of the following methods:
   (a)   Handing the notice to some person of suitable age and discretion residing or employed therein;
   (b)   Delivering the notice by United States First Class mail to any of the owners, lessees, tenants or other persons or entities having charge or care of land and posting the notice by affixing it to the front of the building in clear view from the street or affixing it to a free-standing post or stake in clear view from the street, service being effective upon posting;
   (c)   Publishing the notice once in a local newspaper of general circulation.
(Ord. 06-12. Passed 5-2-06; Ord. 2015-19. Passed 6-2-15.)