(a)    No person, whether the owner, lessee, agent, tenant or other person or entity having charge or care of land in the City, shall permit grass or noxious weeds to grow thereon or on the adjacent right.of-way to a height in excess of eight (8) inches, or to mature seeds thereon, or fail to cut and destroy such high grass or noxious weeds when notified by the Code Enforcement Officer or designee to do so.
   (b)    “Noxious weeds” includes thistle, burdock, jimson weed, ragweed, mullein, poison ivy and other vegetation of rank growth, and the failure to cut the same is declared a nuisance and a hazard to the health and safety of the residents of the City.
(Ord. 06-20. Passed 6-20-06; Ord. 2015-19. Passed 6-2-15; Ord. 2016-35. Passed 11-1-16.)