Every person who owns, operates, manages, or supervises a massage establishment, or who otherwise causes a massage establishment to be operated, shall assure all the following:
   (a)   The registration certificate is displayed in a conspicuous location readily visible to a person entering the massage establishment through a public entrance;
   (b)   Compliance with all the following:
      (1)   Applicable regulations issued by the Franklin County Public Health, whether the massage establishment is in Franklin County or Delaware County;
      (2)   Applicable provisions of R.C. §§ 4713.08, 4731.15, and 4734.10;
      (3)   The Codified Ordinances of the City of Westerville;
   (c)   All tables and surfaces in the massage establishment are clean and disinfected;
   (d)   Clean linen, towels, and other materials are provided in connection with any massage treatment;
   (e)   Massage treatments provided in the massage establishment are provided only by therapists;
   (f)   Employees permit and cooperate in any inspections provided for in this chapter.
(Ord. 2018-13. Passed 6-19-18.)