In order to maximize the purchasing value of public funds and promote efficiency in the letting of contracts, the below informal and formal source selection methods have been established:
(a) All purchase contracts for expenditures less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) shall be awarded through informal source selection as defined in Section 132.02. The City Manager may enter into and perform any purchase contract for expenditures less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for which City funds have been appropriated, without further legislative authorization.
(1) Solicitation and other procedures for informal source selection shall be governed by the administrative procurement rules, regulations, and procedures established by the City Manager.
(1) The most common method of source selection for expenditures of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more is competitive sealed bidding. Purchase contracts resulting from competitive sealed bidding shall be awarded by motion, adopted by Council, and entered in the minutes of Council, authorizing and directing the City Manager to enter into and perform a purchase contract with the lowest and best bidder after being advertised on the city's website and/or a publication of general circulation for at least fourteen days prior to opening bids.
(2) Where the City Manager determines that the use of competitive sealed bidding is either not practicable or not advantageous to the City due the complex or technical nature of a forthcoming source selection process, a purchase contract for fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more may be awarded through the competitive proposals source selection process. Purchase contracts awarded through the use of competitive proposals shall only be awarded after a request for proposal has been advertised on the city's website and/or a publication of general circulation for at least fourteen days, and shall only be awarded by motion, adopted by Council, and entered in the minutes of Council, authorizing and directing the City Manager to enter into and perform a purchase contract with the offeror that has demonstrated the best value to the City, also known as the lowest and best offeror.
(c) Separate solicitations for branches or classes of work and materials shall not be required for any municipal contract and no municipal contract needs to be separately awarded for different classes or branches of work or materials.
(Ord. 03-23. Passed 7-1-03; Ord. 2011-04. Passed 2-15-11; Ord. 2015-33. Passed 10-20-15.)