(a) Existing Structures and Premises. Reconstruction or rehabilitation within the Architectural Review District shall conform to the distinguishing, original exterior qualities or character of the structure, its site, and its environment.
(b) New Construction. The design of new structures and of additions to existing structures, including new site improvements, shall take into account the architectural style, general design, arrangement, texture, material and color of other structures and premises within the Architectural Review District.
(c) Materials.
(1) The use of natural traditional exterior materials such as brick, stone, masonry and wood is encouraged on all new structures and all reconstruction or remodeling of existing structures within the Architectural Review District.
(2) The use of contemporary materials, such as metals, fiberglass and plastics for exterior surfaces is permissible provided these materials duplicate the design, texture and other visual qualities of the building's original materials. Each application proposing the use of contemporary materials shall provide detailed plans to the Board, to allow the Board to understand the proposed method of installation and the impact on specific architectural elements of the building.
(d) Color. Traditional colors and combinations of those colors that reflect the character of the Uptown District, and approved by the Uptown Review Board, shall be used for building exteriors for all new construction to be built, and reconstruction, remodeling and exterior maintenance of existing structures within the Architectural Review District.
(e) Signs. All signs within the Architectural Review District shall conform to color and material standards of this section, be of such a style or design that reflects the character of the Uptown District and shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 1181. Sign size and shape shall also respond to the existing proportions of period structures, and signs shall not be permitted to cover, blank out or close existing window and doorway openings or otherwise hide important architectural features.
(f) Guidelines. Guidelines, policies and general information pertaining to the use of materials, colors, signage, landscaping, renovation techniques and other design considerations which would be helpful to the public in preparing plans for review shall be kept and made available to the public by the secretary of the Board.
(Ord. 92-81. Passed 1-19-93.)