(a)   Lot Requirements in the Uptown District are:
      (1)   Minimum lot area: None.
      (2)   Minimum lot width: None.
      (3)   Minimum front yard: The front building line shall be determined by computing the average building setbacks for existing structures along the same block face. The setback line can be waived or modified by the Planning Commission for special design features such as arcades or special window details.
      (4)   Minimum side yard: For interior lots, none. For corner lots, five feet for any structure.
      (5)   Minimum rear yard: None. All service and delivery areas shall be to the rear of the use, except when no rear access is available.
      (6)   Maximum lot coverage: The Planning Commission may require that at least five percent (5%) of the lot area, exclusive of publicly dedicated rights of way, shall be devoted to yard space, courtyard or pedestrian space. Service or delivery areas shall not be included in determining such yard space requirements.
   (b)   Building Requirements in the Uptown District are: Maximum height: forty feet.
   (c)   Site Development Requirements in the Uptown District are:
      (1)   Parking requirements: The Planning Commission shall determine the nature and extent to which compliance with the provisions of Chapter 1171 is necessary.
      (2)   All applicable subdivision regulations, sign regulations as well as landscaping regulations of this Zoning Ordinance must be satisfied.
      (3)   Trash and litter shall be controlled, and stored in container systems which are located and enclosed in a manner to screen them from view.
      (4)   The development of pedestrian facilities shall be encouraged. Such facilities include the development of pedestrian accessways to rear parking areas, outdoor sitting areas, and planters. Outdoor benches and planters shall be similar in design and material and be compatible with the existing character and architectural theme in the central uptown area.
(Ord. 92-81. Passed 1-19-93.)