(a) Whenever a previously approved conditional use is in violation of any of the findings of fact or other imposed conditions, pursuant to Section 1111.04(c), the Zoning Officer shall give notice in the same manner as service of summons in civil cases, or by certified mail addressed to the owner of record of the premises at his last known address, or to the address to which tax bills are sent. Such notice shall include reasons by which the Zoning Officer finds the conditional use to be in violation, and a statement that the owner shall have 30 days to comply with the granted conditional use permit.
(b) Upon failure of the owner to comply with the notice, the Zoning Officer shall notify the Planning Commission that the conditional use is in violation and itemize the reasons for revocation of the conditional use permit.
(c) The Planning Commission shall continue or revoke the conditional use permit at its first regular meeting after the notice is received.
(d) Any party, including administrative staff of the City, aggrieved or affected by the decision of the Planning Commission involving a revocation of a conditional use permit may appeal to Council, pursuant to Section 1107.06.
(Ord. 95-36. Passed 6-20-95.)