(a)   Application to be Made. Written application for a conditional use permit shall be made to the Planning Commission and filed with the secretary of the Planning Commission who shall transmit the application to the Planning Commission. The application shall be signed by the owner of the property affected and shall state the information provided is accurate and truthful.
   (b)   Application Fee. The applicant shall pay a fee in accordance with the schedule adopted and approved by City Council to cover advertising, review, publishing and reporting the proceedings of the Planning Commission.
   (c)   Contents of Application. The application shall include:
      (1)   The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the property;
      (2)   An accurate legal description of the property;
      (3)   The existing use, proposed conditional use and the zoning district in which the property is located;
      (4)   A statement of the relationship and general compatibility of the proposed use to adjacent land use in terms of traffic, parking and noise and other nuisances;
      (5)   A list of all owners of property, including their mailing addresses, which is contiguous to or directly across the street(s) from the property;
      (6)   Twenty-five copies of a plot plan showing:
         A.   Boundaries and dimensions of the property and the size and location of all proposed or existing structures.
         B.   Traffic access, traffic circulation, existing and proposed utility easements, parking, location of trees and shrubs, signs, refuse and service areas.
         C.   Any additional information required by the secretary of the Planning Commission to establish the advisability of granting the conditional use permit.
(Ord. 95-36. Passed 6-20-95.)