(a)   Organization. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall consist of seven electors of the City appointed by Council. The term for each member shall be for four years. The terms of members shall commence on a staggered schedule.
   (b)   Procedure. The concurrence of four members is required for approving a variance or reversing a decision of the Zoning Officer. All other matters may be decided by a majority of those members present.
   (c)   Powers and Duties. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall:
      (1)   Determine appeals from decisions of the Zoning Officer disapproving applications for zoning certificates or applications for sign permits.
      (2)   Issue opinions when requested pursuant to Section 1107.02(e). An advisory opinion finding the existence or nonexistence of a violation of this Zoning Ordinance shall be binding unless reversed on appeal.
      (3)   Grant or deny applications for variances from the development standards of this Zoning Ordinance. The Board of Zoning Appeals may attach such binding conditions and reservations to the variance as it deems necessary to satisfy the objectives of this Zoning Ordinance.
      (4)   Concurrent with its determinations under subsections (c)(1), (2) or (3) hereof, issue written findings of fact, or, in the alternative, issue written minutes of the Board as findings of fact.
      (5)   Grant temporary use permits as defined in Section 1105.10300.
(Ord. 95-36. Passed 6-20-95; Ord. 2022-03. Passed 4-5-22.)