The architectural design of all buildings will be consistent throughout the commercial center (parcels A and B together being considered as the center) to provide a cohesive and thematic look.
A. Building design, materials, trim, detailing, and colors shall provide continuity amongst the buildings to unite all structures in the development to one project concept. Limited use of architectural elements characteristic of prototypical architecture may be allowed at the discretion of the director of development services or the appropriate reviewing and approval body and, wherever possible, modified to give a unique image to the establishment in the center. Natural, durable materials such as brick and stone shall be used as elements in the architectural design of the facades facing 28th Street and University Avenue for any building within the development. The use of vinyl materials is prohibited.
B. Multiple tenants storefronts within a building and multiple buildings on the site are allowed, provided that a master architectural concept plan for the development as a whole is established and is implemented with facade modifications, to ensure that the development be consistent in architectural design and use of materials and organized utilizing a compatible planned open space, landscape plan, and parking plan to serve and maintain a cohesive development concept.
C. Design elements such as, but not limited to, clock towers, and other architectural focal points, shall be allowed to exceed the maximum building height following review and recommendation of the plan and zoning commission to the city council. (Ord. 2056, 10-6-2014)