(A)   The Village of West Alexandria Employee Handbook is adopted herein in its entirety.
   (B)   The Employee Handbook may be amended from time to time by motion of Council with a copy of the amendment entered into the minutes of the Council meeting approving the amendment.
   (C)   All employees shall sign a receipt for and receive a copy of the Employee Handbook and any amendments thereto.
   (D)   Although the Employee Handbook shall be of aspirational guidance and regulation of employee conduct, the “at-will” legal doctrine shall still outweigh it, override it, overrule it and prevail over it under any circumstances deemed appropriate by the Village Council. Further, and in line with the “at- will” legal doctrine, the Village Council herein rules:
      (1)   All village employees are hired or continued in their employment capacity with the village on an “at-will” basis;
      (2)   All village employees’ employment is for no specific term unless otherwise stated in the ordinance or resolution creating the position;
      (3)   The Village Council reserves the right to terminate the employment relationship of any village employee at any time, with or without cause;
      (4)   The village employee reserves the right to terminate the employment relationship with the village at any time, with or without cause; and
      (5)   Nothing in the Employee Handbook should be construed as a contract or guarantee of continued employment.
   (E)   The Employee Handbook, when in conflict with prior existing ordinances, resolutions or administrative policies in effect before the date of this ordinance, shall effectively supersede and amend prior existing ordinances, resolutions or administrative policies.
(Prior Code, § 246.17) (Ord. 715, passed 12-5-2005)