This subchapter shall be effective from and after April 3, 2000. Prior to the date, the Mayor shall appoint the first West Alexandria Village Administrator to begin working as Village Administrator on the effective date, and as of the date, the West Alexandria Board of Trustees of Public Affairs shall be abolished and the term of office of members of such Board shall terminate. Further, as of the date, all contracts entered into by the West Alexandria Board of Trustees of Public Affairs and rules and regulations and other action taken by such Board shall continue in effect until they have terminated of their own accord or until they shall have been modified, changed, revised, amended or repealed in the manner provided by law. Finally, as of the date, the Village Administrator shall step into the shoes of the West Alexandria Board of Trustees of Public Affairs and have all their powers, duties and functions.
(Prior Code, § 247.06) (Ord. 657, passed 2-24-2000)