(A)   As used in this section, HOUSE TRAILER or MANUFACTURED HOME means any vehicle used as sleeping and/or living quarters, mounted on wheels, and capable of being propelled either by its own power or by other power-driven vehicles to which it may be attached. The term includes campers, recreation vehicles, mobile homes or any other vehicle of a similar nature, by whatever name known.
(Prior Code, § 446.01)
   (B)   No person shall use for human habitation or sleeping quarters within the limits of the village any house trailer.
(Prior Code, § 446.02)
   (C)   No person owning or operating a house trailer located in the village shall remove, or cause to have removed, the wheels or any similar transporting devices from such trailer or otherwise fix it to the ground in a manner that would prevent the ready removal of such house trailer.
(Prior Code, § 446.03)
   (D)   A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation of any of the provisions of this section occurs or continues.
(Prior Code, § 446.05) (Ord. 203, passed 8-6-1951)