(A)   As used in this section, TRAFFIC LAW PHOTO-MONITORING DEVICE means an electronic system consisting of a photographic, video or electronic camera and a means of sensing the presence of a motor vehicle that automatically produces photographs, videotape or digital images of the vehicle or its license plate.
   (B)   (1)   The municipality shall not use traffic law photo-monitoring devices to enforce any traffic law until after it has erected signs on every highway that is not a freeway that is part of the state highway system and that enters the municipality. The signs shall inform inbound traffic that the municipality utilizes traffic law photo-monitoring devices to enforce traffic laws. The signs shall be erected within the first 300 feet of the boundary of the municipality or, if the signs cannot be located within the first 300 feet of the boundary of the municipality, as close to that distance as possible, provided that if a particular highway enters and exits the territory of the municipality multiple times, the municipality shall erect the signs as required by this division at the locations in each direction of travel where inbound traffic on the highway first enters the territory of the municipality and is not required to erect additional signs along such highway each time the highway reenters the territory of the municipality. The municipality is responsible for all costs associated with the erection, maintenance and replacement, if necessary, of the signs. All signs erected under this division shall conform in size, color, location and content to standards contained in the manual adopted by the Department of Transportation pursuant to R.C. § 4511.09 and shall remain in place for as long as the municipality utilizes traffic law photo- monitoring devices to enforce any traffic law. Any ticket, citation or summons issued by or on behalf of the municipality for any traffic law violation based upon evidence gathered by a traffic law photo- monitoring device after March 12, 2009, but before the signs have been erected, is invalid; provided that no ticket, citation or summons is invalid if the municipality is in substantial compliance with the requirement of this division to erect the signs.
      (2)   The municipality is deemed to be in substantial compliance with the requirement of division (B)(1) of this section to erect the advisory signs if the municipality does both of the following:
         (a)   First erects all signs as required by division (B)(1) of this section and subsequently maintains and replaces the signs as needed so that at all times at least ninety percent of the required signs are in place and functional;
         (b)   Annually documents and upon request certifies its compliance with division (B)(2)(a) of this section.
   (C)   If the municipality uses traffic law photo-monitoring devices to enforce any traffic law at an intersection where traffic is controlled by traffic-control signals that exhibit different colored lights or colored lighted arrows, the municipality shall time the operation of the yellow lights and yellow arrows of those traffic-control signals so that the steady yellow indication exceeds by one second the minimum duration for yellow indicators at similar intersections as established by the provisions of the manual adopted by the Department of Transportation under R.C. § 4511.09.
(R.C. § 4511.094) (Prior Code, § 414.11)