(A)   Future land developments in the village shall have stormwater systems, including run-off storage detention and/or retention facilities as necessary, designed in accordance with the following criteria.
      (1)   The post-development peak rate of run-off from a storm of ten-year frequency (of 24 hours duration), and all more frequent storms occurring on the site development area under consideration, shall be controlled, prior to its release to its off-site outlet, so as not to exceed the peak rate of run-off from a two-year frequency storm (of 24 hours duration) occurring on the same area under pre-development conditions.
      (2)   The post-development peak rate of run-off from storms of less frequent occurrence than the ten-year storm, up to the 100-year storm, shall be controlled, prior to its release to its off-site outlet, so as not to exceed the peak rates of run-off from equivalent size storms under pre-development conditions.
   (B)   The review and approval by the village of design calculations for the stormwater system shall be required as a part of the approval of the overall development proposal. The approval process shall be undertaken by the Planning Commission.
   (C)   The village may require land developers to grant the village appropriate easements for access and maintenance purposes as a part of the approval process. Further, the village may require land developers to allow the village the ability to maintain the stormwater systems during the post-development period.
(Prior Code, § 1216.07) (Ord. 634, passed 3-16-1998)