§ 152.054 LOTS.
   (A)   The lot size, width, depth, shape and orientation shall be appropriate for the location and contemplated use of the subdivision but in no case shall any of the lot dimensions, building setback lines or lot area requirements be less than the minimum specified in the zoning regulations for the particular district in which the subdivision is located.
   (B)   The minimum lot depth for residential lots shall be 100 feet and 135 feet on major streets except as provided in § 152.050(E).
   (C)   The general depth-to-width ratio of lots shall not exceed two and one-half to one.
   (D)   Every lot shall abut upon and have permanent access to a public street. However, in subdivisions designed under conditions specified in § 152.050(C) this requirement may be modified or waived by the Planning Commission.
   (E)   Side lot lines shall be at approximately right angles or radial to the street right-of-way line.
   (F)   (1)   Utility easements may be required on rear of side lot lines as specified by the Commission. Such easements shall be at least 12 feet in width with six feet being taken from the abutting lots on both sides of the centerline of the easements.
      (2)   Additional easements may be required along drainage channels or watercourses in such width as may be determined by the Village Engineer.
   (G)   Corner residential lots shall have extra width sufficient to maintain building setback lines as specified in the zoning regulations.
(Prior Code, § 1216.05) (Ord. 371, passed 2-5-1973)