§ 152.051 STREETS.
   (A)   The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the Major Street Plan as adopted by the Planning Commission and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to topographic conditions, to public convenience and safety and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets.
   (B)   Public right-of-way widths shall be as shown on the Major Street Plan and, unless otherwise indicated on the Major Street Plan, shall not be less than the following:
Right-of-Way Width (in ft.)
Right-of-Way Width (in ft.)
(1) Major streets as shown on the Major Street Plan
Major streets
80 (min. CF-CG)
Neighborhood collector streets
70 (min. CF-CG)
(2) Local streets
60 (40 CF-CG)
(3) Marginal access streets
(4) Alleys
(5) Crosswalkways
(6) Utility easements
Short culs-de-sac or loop streets may also be approved with 50-foot width after proper analysis by the Commission.
      (7)   Property lines at street intersections shall be provided with a radius of not less than 15 feet. If, because of certain exceptional conditions, a modification is granted permitting an angle of intersection less than 75 degrees or greater than 105 degrees then the minimum radii shall be increased or decreased respectively.
      (8)   Additional street right-of-way width may be required to assure adequate access, circulation and parking in subdivisions within high density residential areas, commercial areas and industrial areas.
      (9)   Where a proposed subdivision abuts or contains an existing street of inadequate right-of-way width, additional right-of-way width for the existing street may be required in conformance with the above standards.
   (C)   Local streets shall be so arranged as to discourage their use by through traffic. Curvelinear street design is recommended for residential streets to discourage excessive vehicular speeds and to provide attractive vistas.
   (D)   The street arrangement in a subdivision shall provide for the continuation of existing streets in surrounding areas and for suitable access to adjoining unplatted areas at points not more than 1,320 feet apart (one-fourth mile).
   (E)   Where a proposed subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed major street or highway, as defined in the Major Street Plan, the Commission may require marginal access streets, reverse frontage lots containing a ten-foot nonaccess reservation with approved screen planting along the rear property line or such other treatment as may be necessary for the adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
   (F)   Intersections on major streets or thoroughfares shall be located not less than 800 feet apart measured from centerline to centerline.
   (G)   When a tentative layout, including streets or the general area or neighborhood, has been made, approved and adopted by the Commission, the proposed subdivision shall be in general conformance thereto.
   (H)   Where a proposed subdivision abuts or contains a railroad right-of-way, expressway or other limited access highway, the Commission may require a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land. Such distances shall also be determined with due regard for the requirements of approach grades for future bridges or grade separations.
   (I)   Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 125 feet shall be prohibited.
   (J)   There shall be no private streets, lanes or any other public way platted in any subdivision except under the special design considerations mentioned under § 152.050(C).
   (K)   Half streets shall be prohibited except where absolutely essential to the reasonable development of a tract in conformance with these regulations and where satisfactory assurance for dedication of the remaining part of the street is provided. Whenever a tract to be subdivided borders on an existing half or partial street, the other part of the street shall be dedicated within such tract.
   (L)   Dead-end streets are prohibited except those designed as permanent culs-de-sac or those required for future access to adjacent unplatted property. Temporary turn-around arrangements for dead-end streets which will be extended in the future may be required by the Commission.
   (M)   Cul-de-sac streets shall be no longer than 600 feet and shall contain at the closed end a turn-around having an outside road pavement diameter of 80 feet and a street property line diameter of 100 feet. Special consideration will be given longer cul-de-sacs under unusual topographic conditions.
   (N)   Street grades shall not be greater than 5% or less than 0.5%.
   (O)   To ensure adequate sight distance, horizontal curves shall have the following minimum centerline radii:
Minimum Centerline Radii (in ft.)
Local streets
Neighborhood collector streets
Major streets
Major thoroughfares
A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be provided between curves on neighborhood collector streets and at least 250 feet long on major streets and thoroughfares.
   (P)   Streets shall intersect one another at right angles or as nearly at right angles as conditions permit. No street shall intersect another at an angle of less than 60 degrees.
      (1)   “T” intersections of local streets are to be encouraged.
      (2)   Multiple intersections involving the junction of more than two streets shall be prohibited.
      (3)   Local streets intersecting a tangent section of centerline not less than 50 feet in length shall be permitted.
   (Q)   No street names shall be used which will duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets within the area of jurisdiction of these regulations. Street and subdivision names and house numbers shall be subject to the approval of the Commission.
   (R)   New streets that are a continuation of, or in alignment with, an existing or platted street shall bear the same name as such existing or platted street.
(Prior Code, § 1216.02) (Ord. 371, passed 2-5-1973)