(A)   Jurisdiction. After the effective date of these subdivision regulations (Ordinance 371, passed February 5, 1973), no lot or parcel of land divided or split into five or less lots or parcels and lying within the boundaries of the Major Street Plan of the village, as adopted or amended, may be recorded by the County Recorder unless the deed recording such lot split or subdivision has affixed or imprinted thereon a statement of approval signed by the Chairperson or the Secretary of the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Written request; date; sketch plan. The owner or his or her designated agent shall submit a written request to the Commission for a minor subdivision preliminary plat approval. This request shall be submitted at least ten days prior to the regular monthly meeting of the Commission at which consideration of the plat is desired and shall be accompanied by a sketch plan of the proposed lot split or minor subdivision. The drawing may be a simple pencil sketch drawn to scale showing the existing and proposed layout of lots and containing enough information so that an accurate analysis can be made as to conformance or nonconformance with these or other regulations adopted by the village.
   (C)   Planning Commission approval. Upon receipt of the request and accompanying sketch plan, the Commission shall ascertain whether the proposed minor subdivision is or is not in conformance with these subdivision regulations or the zoning regulations. At its next regular meeting, following ten days or more after receipt of the request, the Commission shall either approve or disapprove the proposal and shall notify the applicant of its decision in writing. If disapproved, the Commission shall state the reasons for such disapproval. If approved, the Chairperson of the Commission shall thereby be authorized to place an official stamp of approval on such deeds of conveyance that the applicant may submit that conform to such preliminary plat.
(Prior Code, § 1212.03) (Ord. 371, passed 2-5-1973)