10-38-2: GENERAL:
   A.   Applicability:
      1.   New Development: The off-street parking standards of this chapter apply to any new development and to any new use established.
      2.   Expansions and Alterations: The off-street parking standards of this chapter apply when an existing structure or use is expanded or enlarged. Additional off-street parking spaces shall be required only to serve the enlarged or expanded area, not the entire building or use. The decisionmaking body may require increases in parking for non-conforming parking areas when found necessary to ensure adequate off-street parking.
Example: Implementation of Parking Requirements When A Business Changes Use In An Existing Building
         1.   A business which was required to provide 10 parking spaces vacates its site. A new business or use which then occupies the site requires 15 parking spaces. The new business is required to provide 5 more parking spaces.
         2.   A business has 8 parking spaces. The current code requires 10 spaces. The business vacates and a new business opens requiring 15 spaces. The new business only needs to provide 5 additional parking spaces. It is not required to resolve the deficiency of legally existing non-conforming parking spaces. Only a total of 13 parking spaces need be provided.
      3.   Change of Use: Off-street parking shall be required for any change of use or change of operation that would result in a requirement for more parking than the existing use. Additional parking shall be required only in proportion to the extent of the change, not for the entire building or use.
      4.   Areas for deliveries and loading shall be required, as a part of any required permit, to ensure that loading and deliveries do not constrain fire access, street safety, or use public streets for deliveries.
   B.   No Reduction Below Minimums: Existing parking spaces shall not be reduced below the minimum requirements in this chapter. Any change in use that increases applicable off-street parking requirements will be deemed a violation of the Land Use Regulations unless parking is provided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)