A.   Characteristics: Basic Utilities are infrastructure services that need to be located in or near the area where the service is provided. Basic Utility uses generally do not regularly have employees at the site. Services may be public or privately provided.
   B.   Accessory Uses: Accessory uses may include parking and control, monitoring, data or transmission equipment.
   C.   Examples: Examples include, water source facilities and sewage pump stations; electrical substations; water storage and reservoirs; Storm water retention and detention facilities; telephone exchanges; and park-and-ride facilities for public transportation.
   D.   Exceptions:
      1.   Services where people are generally present are classified as Community Services, Offices, or Safety Services.
      2.   Utility offices where employees or customers are generally present are classified as Offices.
      3.   Bus barns are classified as Warehouse and Freight Movement. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)