Primary uses are assigned to the category that most closely describes the nature of the primary use. The “Characteristics” subsection of each use category describes the common characteristics of each primary use.
   A.   Considerations Used In Categorizing Primary Uses: The following considerations are used to determine what category a use is in and whether the activities are to be considered primary or accessory uses:
      1.   The actual or projected characteristics of the activity in relationship to the stated characteristics of each use category;
      2.   The relative amount of site area or floor space and equipment devoted to the activity;
      3.   Relative amounts of sales from each activity;
      4.   The customer type for each activity;
      5.   The relative number of employees in each activity;
      6.   Hours of operation;
      7.   Building and site arrangement;
      8.   Vehicles used with the activity;
      9.   The relative number of vehicle trips generated by the activity;
      10.   Signs;
      11.   How the use advertises itself; and
      12.   Whether the activity is likely to be found independent of the other activities on the site.
   B.   Developments With Multiple Primary Uses: When all primary uses of a development fall within one use category, the entire development is assigned to that use category. A development that contains a coffee shop, bookstore and bakery, for example, shall be classified in the Sales and Service category because all of the development’s primary uses are in that category. When the primary uses of a development fall within different use categories, each primary use is classified in the applicable category and each use is subject to all applicable regulations for that category. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)