A.   Characteristics: Community Services are uses of a public, nonprofit, or charitable nature generally providing a local service to people of the community. Generally, they provide the service on-site or have employees at the site on a regular basis. The service is ongoing, not just for special events. Community centers or facilities that have membership provisions are open to the general public to join at any time, (for instance, any senior citizen could join a senior center). The use may provide special counseling, education, or training of a public, nonprofit or charitable nature.
   B.   Accessory Uses: Accessory uses may include offices; meeting areas; food preparation area; parking, health and therapy areas; and athletic facilities.
   C.   Examples: Examples include libraries, museums, senior centers, community centers, publicly owned swimming pools, youth club facilities, hospices, social service facilities, emergency shelter 1 , vocational training for persons with physical or mental disabilities, temporary shelters and services for victims of domestic violence, crematoriums, columbaria and mausoleums.
   D.   Exceptions:
      1.   Private lodges, clubs and private or commercial athletic or health clubs are classified as Sales and Service. Commercial museums are classified as Sales and Service.
      2.   Parks are classified as Parks and Open Areas.
      3.   Uses where tenancy is arranged on a month-to-month basis, or for a longer period are residential and are classified as Household. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)



1. Emergency shelters for purposes of relocating persons in the event of a local emergency as determined by the Mayor shall not require permit approvals.