A.   Characteristics: Self-Service Storage uses provide separate storage areas for individual or business uses. The storage areas are designed to allow private access by the tenant for storing or removing personal property.
   B.   Accessory Uses: Accessory uses may include living quarters for a resident manager or security and leasing offices. Use of the storage areas for sales, service and repair operations, or manufacturing is not considered accessory to the Self-Service Storage use. The rental of trucks or equipment is also not considered accessory to a Self-Service Storage use.
   C.   Examples: Examples include facilities that provide individual storage areas for rent. These uses are also called mini-warehouses.
   D.   Exceptions: A transfer and storage business where there are no individual storage areas or where employees are the primary movers of the goods to be stored or transferred is in the Warehouse and Freight Movement category. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)