A.   Characteristics: Major Entertainment Event uses are characterized by activities and structures that draw large numbers of people to specific events or shows seasonally or periodically. Activities are generally of a spectator nature.
   B.   Accessory Uses: Accessory uses may include restaurants, drinking establishments, concessions, parking and maintenance facilities.
   C.   Examples: Examples include stadiums, sports arenas, coliseums, auditoriums, exhibition and meeting areas and fairgrounds.
   D.   Exceptions:
      1.   Exhibition and meeting areas with less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of total event area are classified as Sales and Service.
      2.   Banquet halls that are part of hotels or restaurants are accessory to those uses, which are included in the Sales and Service category.
      3.   Theaters, including drive-in theaters, are classified as Sales and Service.
      4.   Recreation or entertainment uses conducted on a continuous basis are classified as Outdoor Recreation and Entertainment or Sales and Service uses if primarily indoors. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)