A.   Definitions Within the Land Use Regulations: Words defined with the Land Use Regulations shall have the meaning as assigned in this code.
   B.   Definitions Within Other Titles of the Wellsville City Code: Words not defined within Title 10, Wellsville City Code, Land Use Regulations, which are defined in other Titles of the Wellsville City Code shall have the meanings as established within the Wellsville City Code. In the event a word is defined in both Title 10, Wellsville City Code, Land Use Regulations and other Titles of the Wellsville City Code, the definition within Title 10, Wellsville City Code, Land Use Regulations shall apply to word usage within this Title.
   C.   Definition Sources for Words Not Defined Anywhere Within the Wellsville City Code:
      1.   Development terms not defined within any Title of the Wellsville City Code shall have the meaning contained with The New Illustrated Book of Development Definitions, by Moskowitz and Lindbloom, published by the Center for Urban Policy Research of Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey; 1995 edition.
      2.   Terms not defined in any cited sources shall have the meaning as established in the current edition of the Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, published by Gramercy Press, 1996 edition. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)