A.   Administrative Procedures: The City shall prepare administrative procedures and application for filing an appeal before the City Council or the Board of Adjustment.
   B.   Minimum Requirements For A Request To Appeal: At a minimum the request for an appeal shall be filed in writing and include the following:
      1.   The name of the person or persons filing the appeal, a mailing address and daytime telephone number;
      2.   The project file number and the name of the project as it appeared on the agenda;
      3.   The date of the original hearing;
      4.   Any required appeal application fee;
      5.   The specific issues being appealed:
         a.   The appeal may not merely appeal the action of the decision-making body;
         b.   If the project was conditionally approved and specific conditions are being appealed, the request for an appeal shall specify the conditions being appealed and the reasons for the appeal;
         c.   If the project was approved without conditions, the request for appeal shall specify the findings used by the decision-making body that have generated the appeal request;
         d.   If the project was denied, the request for appeal shall specify the findings used by the decision-making body that have generated the appeal request;
      6.   A statement shall be included indicating that the appellant was a participant in the original hearing process by:
         a.   Submitting written comments prior to or during the public hearing, or
         b.   Verification that the appellant was in attendance at the decision-making body's hearing, or
         c.   The appellant spoke at the decision-making body's hearing.
   C.   Incomplete Applications Unacceptable: An incomplete application for an appeal shall not be accepted. Submitting an incomplete application shall not waive, defer, or delay the fifteen (15) day appeal deadline. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)